Wednesday, April 27, 2016

The Life of Grace Kelli


The Spring semester here at WKU is coming to a close and I am more than excited about it. After this week I will have just ONE MORE week of class and then finals week. Hallelujah! While I don't hate school I would really enjoy some time worrying about my tan lines instead of test scores.

Speaking of tan lines. Our swimming pool has said it's goodbyes to us and decided to rust out and be unusable. Although when first hearing of this I was super excited because my father has always said "If anything ever happens to our above ground pool, we're getting an in ground pool." Unfortunately an in ground pool is not in our budget this year and instead we must settle for another above ground. Real Problems here right? Of course I am thankful no matter what for us even having a pool at all. When Cole and I were younger we spent our summer days begging to go to our Aunt Lori's house and swim in her glorious pool and/or running through the garden sprinkler. Thankfully we now get our own new pool in our back yard on this wonderful Hump Day in April.

The next item on our discussion topic for the day is motorcycles. Don't you love them so much? Yeah, Me neither. Once when I was younger my Grandpa John informed me that he had bought a motorcycle, but I couldn't tell Nana and do you know what I did? I TOLD NANA. Motorcycles didn't exactly scare me then, but now that I'm older I see so much danger in them that the mother (that I am not) comes out in me and bans anyone I know for trying to ride one. Which brings me to this.

NO. It is not his thank goodness. But, Austins dad has decided to get himself a motorcycle making Austin think he wants one too. No way Jose. Someone I know has trouble abiding by the speed limit in their own truck, so we'll just pass on the whole motorcycle idea. Maybe (never) in the future. 

Well, there's my latest in my Grace and Austin adventures. I know you want to hear so much more about my fun filled detailed life. I'll try to post more soon. 

Until Next Time!