Monday, May 23, 2016

Not A Book Person

Most days I aspire to be someone that I am not. Not in a bad way, I try and change the things that I don't like about myself, but it always seems to end up as me failing to try new things and be a different me. Things that I constantly try and change include all of the following:

First Thing: I want to LOVE to read. I really enjoy going to Barnes and Noble and feeling like an intelligent person for the short time that I am there. The feels and smells of a new book are really satisfying and when purchasing I feel like I am becoming a better me, a smarter me. How many times might I open the book you ask? Never. Reading makes me want to curl up with my blanket and take a long nap (and I hate naps). I find myself falling asleep, re-reading pages, and just staring off into the distance thinking about dance or what I'm going to eat later. I have enjoyed books before though. Here's a short list of the books I have read and enjoyed. All were required to read throughout my years of high school and middle school.

1. The Fault in Our Stars
2. The Great Gatsby
3. A Thousand Splendid Suns
4. The Kite Runner
5. The Face on the Milk Carton

There you have it, the five books that are super easy reads that I actually enjoyed reading. I was supposed to read lots of other books while in high school, but I skipped out on those fun assignments. Reading is a tried and failed hobby every single time.

Second Thing: I want to LOVE to eat healthy food. Don't we all, though? I like all fruits and some veggies, but taking the time to get that food together is also the time that I don't have. Healthier foods are also more expensive usually and I don't want to eat salads all the time. I am a sort of picky eater. Unless I am in the Johnson household, to them I eat outside of the box, but to my parents, I need to step outside of the box with my food. Drinking soda is my major issue. I love to wake up every morning to a nice Dr. Pepper paired with a Hardee's chicken biscuit. If you have had this combination of breakfast items you know exactly what I'm talking about. Every day is a constant battle of DRINK MORE WATER and avoid eating french fries if at all possible. (which it usually is not possible)

Third Thing: I want to be a HARD worker. Geez, I hope no one who is supposed to hire me for a job someday reads this post. Ask most people who know me, I am lazy. If I have to complete a job, don't worry, I will get it completed and I don't procrastinate things, but you will never see me trying to go above and beyond when trying to complete something. I have different work levels for different things. If I enjoy doing something, like dancing or some sort of new DIY project to create, I do give my hardest work in those projects. But something like doing work without being asked, or getting more done than I was asked to do, you probably won't find me doing that. Knowing that the minimum I need to work a week is 20 hours, but if I want to make more money I can stay longer. Like sorry! I'm out at 20 hours. I don't want to be like this, though. I want to LOVE my job and for my hard work to show for it. I have to love something in order for me to really try hard at it. I have gotten ten times better since high school. With high school, I did all the work I needed to do to make the grades that would please my father and I didn't do a second more. This aspect of myself that I constantly try and change is the most successful in my opinion. Ask Austin though, he might have a different one.

Those are my three big things that I constantly try and better myself at and usually fail. Some other small stuff may include. Wanting to love coffee, running, blogging, learning, doing laundry, taking pictures and/or being photographed and lots of other small things that would make me a better person all around.

To be an even BETTER me I could stop: 

1. Being so selfish all of the time, sorry everyone.
2. Wanting to be the center of attention. (again back to selfish)
3. Being just a tiny bit bossy and using phrases like "My way or the highway". (man selfish)
4. Being a baby hog. (I just can't resist them)
5. Eating Coke, Drinking French Fries. Scratch that. Drinking Coke, Eating French Fries.
6. Feeling the need to capitalize French Fries (french fries)
7. Avoiding filing at work by blogging about my selfish, bookless, greasy food-filled life.

Next time I'll try to discuss something more interesting. 
XOXO Grace Kirby  

1 comment:

  1. Just the fact that you WANT to do things to improve and better yourself says a lot about who you are. It's okay if you don't like reading or eating healthy - I think those things take a long time to learn to love.

    I say, just keep trying, and don't be too hard on yourself when you find yourself face first in a plate of fries or a pizza. Everything in moderation, right? :)

    The hard worker thing - I have witnessed your hard work ethic first hand on many occasions, when you threw my gender reveal party, when you made all of those homemade gifts at Christmas, and pretty much anytime there are any kids around you are the one providing all of the childcare and entertainment. The key to hard work for you seems to be finding something that you truly love and so it doesn't feel like work. You'll figure it out and be amazing. I have no doubt.

    Love you sweet girl.
