Friday, July 22, 2016

Curiosity didn't Kill the Cat, Grace did.

Thoughts of the Fall season, pumpkins, apple slushies, and scarecrows keep crossing my mind, day in and day out. It is getting closer and closer to being the most wonderful time of the year and WHY do I think about it so much? It isn't even August yet. You would think that since I turn 20 in August I would be excited about that month, but honestly August might be my least favorite time of year. It is so HOT, school starts back up, and people get mad at me for saying things like "Is it Christmas yet?" I'll probably like August more next year when I turn the big 21 and officially run out of birthdays to look forward to. 20 is just blah and nothing changes for me besides not being a teenager anymore.

Let's flash back though and take a long look at my summer break. Movies, Netflix, Laying out and babysitting. There ya have it, folks, Summer 2016 is a blast. Really though I am so lazy and have probably gained 3 pounds from my lack of dancing and just LEAVING MY HOUSE. I did, however, take a small look into my responsible side and have discovered I am not yet ready to own a *Pause for dramatic effect* CAT.

It all started when the other student worker at my job brings her 6-week old kitten into work. This leading me to fall in love and ask my parents if I can PLEASE get a kitten. Well, long story short, they said yes! After a short one day of searching for a kitten to call mine, I find one from a girl who had 15! It was so hard to choose from all of them, they had orange, black, striped, gray, white, basically every cat color ever. Finally, though I chose a gray kitten, to which I named Phoebe. Smelly cat, Smelly cat, what are they feeding you?

She was completely adorable and I was in love for about 4 hours. I am only joking. Maybe. The thing pooped everywhere and it was the most disgusting poop ever. I wasn't allowed to have her inside full time and trying to potty train a cat to go outside is super hard. She was Oh so cute and cuddly though as long as she didn't just eat. The stress of having my dad yell at me over a cat/poop in the house and that thing screaming and crying when you locked her in a cage actually made me hate my life and lose 3 pounds for the first 4 days of having her. 

I made this contraption outside and after her escaping out of it twice I finally figured out the key to keeping her locked in this pretty large cage I will say and in the GRASS where she can fertilize the soil instead of the carpet in my living room (sorry mom). She whined in that thing for about 3 days when finally I couldn't take the stress of it anymore. I let the tiny kitten roam free outside on her own and if I lost her then whatever, I mean it's a stray cat I helped her all I could. At night she slept in her tiny kennel as pictured above so that something didn't eat her because she sounded like an animal in distress crying at my back door. 

The outside during the day and in the kennel at night worked well for awhile except for the fact that I was bathing her every day because she pooped all over herself every night. Swear the poor thing had worms. Finally to our last living situation, Phoebe roams free outside on her own 24/7, but she doesn't leave the porch and poops all over the beach towels. When she got to be the perfect kitty is where everything goes downhill. 

She has her own bed on the porch, sleeps there every night. Only occasionally poops on the porch, plays with Susie, we got rid of her worms after her doctor visit and she weighs a whopping 1.7 pounds. Cutest, most playful, happy kitty ever. Phoebe is also quite the model if I do say so myself. 

After taking a shower to get ready for my Saturday night plans, my older brother Charlie comes to me mortified to tell me the bad news. "Grace your cat's dead." I play the evening over and over in my head constantly to think about if there was anything I could have done, but there wasn't. Precious Phoebe had somehow fallen in the pool and ended up drowning in the skimmer. I wish my dad would have been there to fish her out and bury her, but I ended up doing it myself. I managed to not cry about it although I could have because I was finally starting to like the darn thing. 

Not sure if I'll ever own a kitten again, but it was fun while it lasted... Sort of. 

...Until next time... 
 Have a Great Summer.  

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